How are you my friends! I hope everyone is well and in good health. Here is a picture inside bus number 1 during the Seminar. I am located at the left in the third row but my head is hidden. We have many funny memories here because the bus had a wireless microphone which we pass around so that everyone can sing. I remember that my friends here sang their country's national anthem and many love songs. I learned many things from the culture and music of the countries of my friends while listening to them. Mr. Pushpa and Mr. Sharma, from Nepal, also sang a love song in their own language.
Also, when we were about to leave, the group leaders would look if everyone is inside the bus. If everyone was inside, we would shout Gulia! (I am not sure if this is the correct spelling) If someone was missing in the bus, we would shout No Gulia! The memories in the bus was indeed as fun as the memories inside the lecture room. Take care my friends, until we meet again.- from Emmanuel
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